Wellington Nursery

Wellington Nursery,
52 Chevallier Street,
Ipswich IP1 2PB
T: 01473 599038
E: hello@bowsandarrowsgroup.co.uk

Wellington Nursery is a small nursery with a homely feel. Many parents choose this nursery as it feels cosy and secure for their child.
The staff team are very committed to their work; they are a close team with high levels of morale. The staff are extremely skilful in guiding and extending children's learning and they place a strong focus on supporting children who speak English as an additional language. The team specialise in care and development of babies and young children and eagerness for outdoor learning, igniting children's awe and world around them. As quoted from our OFSTED report "Staff work exceptionally hard to instil children's resilience, excellent behaviour and sense of belonging".
Wellington Nursery is located on the site of Wellington Children’s Centre which is run by Suffolk County Council. There is a shared entrance where families can access both organisations, but the Nursery has its own separate areas once you enter the building. Wellington Nursery comprises of a beautiful play room and access to two different and stimulating outdoor spaces. We provide children with a natural and “hands on” way of learning, through real life resources and activities.
Find us here
Ofsted Grading
November 2023
Preschool 8
Toddlers 12
Babies 6