Children With Additional Needs

We are experienced at supporting children with a number of different disabilities and needs from complex medical interventions to speech language delay and we feel confident we can help any child make rapid progress. We are committed to excellent provision for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN), enabling them to achieve the best possible education and to become confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views and ready to make the transition into compulsory education.

We have regard to the SEN Code of Practice 0–25 years. Each nursery has their own designated SEND Co-ordinator who is responsible for ensuring all practitioners in the nursery understand their responsibilities to children with SEN and our approach to identifying and meeting their needs, advising and supporting colleagues and ensuring families are closely involved throughout.

We work closely with you to listen to your views to build on children’s previous experiences, knowledge, understanding and skills and provide opportunities to develop in all areas of learning. With parents’ permission, we use target plans to help us focus the support needed. These plans are developed to overcome barriers to learning and participation as well as being family centred, considering the individual family’s needs. We continually review the plan and seek your views on the child’s progress. We also work in partnership with other agencies involved in providing specialist services for children and families with SEN and make use of the Local Offer to ascertain what services are available and how to access them.

Do not hesitate to speak to us about your child if you have any worries or concerns about their development.