
The benefits of outdoor learning - Children love being outdoors – playing in the sunshine and breathing the fresh air. It can also play an important part in their learning and wellbeing, giving them a chance to learn new things in a fun environment. At The Nature Den, we believe outdoor learning, especially for young children, is key to their development. […]
The importance of brushing daily - Oral health and hygiene are hugely important in a child’s development and something we at the Nature Den care a great deal about. Establishing daily teeth brushing in your childhood leads to good habits in adulthood, and the chance of better oral health throughout your life. Here, nursery manager Olivia Sharman has a look at […]
‘All about Me’ month - ‘All about Me’ month Children are full of questions – they are curious about the world around them and always interested in discovering new things. These questions are important, they help children learn about their surroundings, explore their feelings and emotions, grow their imaginations and develop their language and thinking skills. But asking children questions […]